
Hundreds of Headbands

              MU sophomore Katie Cooney has taken her high school obsession to a whole new level. Cooney received her first headband during her freshman of high school and has since then created a collection of over a 100 headbands. Among her favorite headbands are those she bought at Nordstrom. Cooney said because of their cost, she is not able to buy as many as she would want from the store, but makes up for it by making her own headbands. Katie said her obsession is not one she is embarrassed about, and welcomes anyone to borrow her headbands at any time. 

Elizabeth Kuhlman: "In 2006 MU sophomore Katie Cooney received her first headband. Since then, Katie has added over a 100 headbands to her collections."

Katie Cooney: "I think I got it my freshman year of high school. I was shopping with my mom and I saw it and I fell in love with it. It's like a white band and then a vintage gold, metal flower type thing and then on top of it there are turquoise beads and then in the center there is a brown stone, bead thing."

Elizabeth Kuhlman: "Unfortunately, Katie has received negative feedback from some of her family members."

Katie Cooney: "Oh my god, my dad get so mad at me. He gets so mad. I have to hide them. 

Elizabeth Kuhlman: "Not only does Katie buy headbands but she also makes them."

Katie Cooney: "When I make the headbands, it usually like the bow ones because I like wearing bow barrettes a lot too, but I don't know it kind of varies. Every single one is different."

Elizabeth Kuhlman: "Katie plans to expand her collection, but has also made plans of what will happen her collection in the future."

Katie Cooney: "Yeah I can pass them on to my kids." 

Elizabeth Kuhlman: "Reporting for J2150S, Elizabeth Kuhlman, Columbia." 

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